Bathroom Drama

Day 1: Lockdown
Wanaka has been very quiet. We are allowed to go out for walks, and also to the supermarket, pharmacy, doctor etc. So we have had 2 walks, and not seen many people at all, and those we saw all stood well away. All good practice.

My Photography group usually meets at a cafe every Thursday morning at 10.30 for an hour. So instead, we met via Zoom. We had some technical hitches as I was the coordinator and hadn’t used it before. However, we got there, and it was fun. I took a photo of us- unfortunately 1 persons photo disappeared just as I clicked!

During our conversation, we set up a theme for our next months on-line group organised by Tussock Tales Boss. It is going to be “kitchen” . I thought I would challenge myself to a theme during the lockdown of photos around my house.

The “drama” in my main photo is actually the shadows of 2 bath towels hanging on a tiered rail and then I faffed around with it!

Stay well everyone.

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