A Sunrise Scene of Preen

Cole, Nicole, and Casserole
were preening on a pole.
They fluffed up all their feathers...
then flew back to their shoal.

Cole, Nicole, and Casserole
were preening on a post.
They fluffed up all their feathers...
then flew back to the coast.

Cole, Nicole, and Casserole
were preening on the wood.
They fluffed up all their feathers...
then they raised their beaks and stood.

Cole, Nicole, and Casserole
were preening on their perch.
They fluffed up all their feathers...
then went on a small fish search.

Don't believe any of the verse,
the story is bird absurd.
Photoshop came into play...
the trio is really one bird.

But a pretty preener she was.

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