New growth
Wednesday 25th March 2020
It's interesting how quickly you lose track of days when the routine has been thrown out the window. Not that my week is that routine and the days vary but at least the week has anchor points.
Today was about establishing a new routine and a new way or working. Another pastoral letter and update sent by email, contacts made with those who have baptisms and weddings booked, a webinar to help me get to grips with Zoom. I'd never heard of it a week ago, now it looks as though it is going to be the main software for communication around the diocese and I also need to introduce it in the parish for some things. Need to learn it myself first!
Late afternoon walk to stretch my legs. I like the way the branch looked broken but there was no life sprouting in a different direction. A symbol of hope for us.
I've backblipped yesterday as well.
Stay safe everyone.
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