Only day 2 of lock down and Ann is already lacking in motivation. She likes to have a little routine for us so for my 'first thing in the morning walk', I wandered around the streets. They were deserted and the buses pretty much empty. I got Blipped sitting in these daffs cos I don't think they're going to last much longer.

After breakfast Ann decided that she was going to do the 'Joe Wicks' fat burning class. (She's doing a different class every day and won't be doing that one again cos it was too hard!) She's re-arranged the furniture in the living room so that every day at 10am she can exercise in her own little fitness studio. Every day at 10am I decide to plonk myself down in her fitness studio and have a little snooze. Lol!

For the rest of the morning Ann likes to do jobs. Today's job was.................. tidy out her clothes drawers and wardrobe and bag up stuff ready to take to a charity shop when Coronavirus is dead. She couldn't be bothered so she's pretty much just sat on the sofa watching trashy TV all day. All ideas as to how to get her motivation back will be gratefully received. She needs a new hobby!!!

This afternoon she took me to the park. It was very busy with mummies and little people playing together and we're sure they weren't all from the same families. Grrrr............. Apparently the police were up at Mortonhall yesterday telling off groups of more than 2 people who were walking together. We met my bestest friend in the world; 'Bertie the Beardie', so I had a lovely play with him. And our humans had a lovely chat, albeit 2 metres apart. It's the first person Ann has talked to in real life since Friday.

We got home about 4pm. …................4pm has become the new 6pm in terms of 'wine drinking'. Ann's supply of wine is rapidly diminishing. But she's determined not to go out just to buy wine. That can hardly be classed as 'essential going out!' She hasn't done any food shopping since last week and is holding off from shopping for another two or three days. She could probably do with some vegetables now but she has tinned sweetcorn and frozen peas so they will have to suffice. Also she's only going to be shopping local. She has made the decision not to go out in the car whilst in lock-down because we have loads of local shops and it is not a responsible thing to do to go out in the car when it's not absolutely necessary. Should she have an accident, it would be putting even more pressure on the emergency services.

Ann is going to become a 'Waitrose shopper'. How posh is she?? Actually she was just having the conversation with Bertie's human about lack of ironing and what's the point of getting dressed up if one is not going anywhere??? Apparently they're still putting on clean underwear every day but everything else has gone to pot! I know, I know, too much information. Lol! Hmmmm............ maybe she should treat going to Waitrose like going on a date, not that she's had one of those for a long time. Get dressed up, put on some make-up and cruise the aisles like a proper seasoned Waitrose shopper. She might even pop into M&S too. We are really lucky. We have a lot of lovely local shops where we live. Hmmmm................. perhaps we will schedule a trip to the shops for essential supplies into our timetable for the weekend.

Oh and the other thing.................... the friends that Ann should have been in Seville with for the last few days, want to set up a 'zoom' chat thingy. It all sounds a bit challenging to Ann?! Even 'whatsapp' is challenging to Ann, but heyho, she's just off to google how to do this......................

Stay safe and happy peeps xxxx

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