Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

The Snowman family......

....A Daddy, a Euan, a Hitch and a Stripe. Euan wanted to stay out and make a mummy too (Rhona was never mentioned!) but by then he was a bit cold and wet. We said maybe tomorrow. He also played some golf in the snow!

Risked taking the car out this afternoon. Got the Greats paper for them so they didn't think about taking the car out (as they sometimes decide to do!) and had a subway for lunch. Euan is not for eating today. What a persuasion it took to eat 2 bites of his sandwich, so it was wrapped up and taken home for later. Rhona devoured her crusts, cucumber and tomato. Did the shopping for the weekend and then went to asda to pick Granny up from work and we went round for a quick cuppa. Euan ate about 1/2 the remaining subway while we were there and then had a chocolate (that had been opened and confiscated earlier, with assurances he would get it if he ate some more sandwich) Bribery with sweets, not ideal but is ok for the odd occasion.

Home for some playtime and Daddy had a nap. The neighbours have been out shovelling snow off the road in our cul-de-sac, but as we had been out already with no problems, we didn't feel the need to join in. How un-neighbourly are we!?

Realised there was nothing for the kids tea at 5.15 so whipped up some cheese on toast, peppers, cucumber and tomatos. Euan required some encouragement (no sweets this time!) but ate all the salad and a 1/4 of the toast. Rhona enjoyed her cucumber sticks and ate a 1/4 toast all to herself and also had some carrot and star-anise puree, left over from Christmas Dinner.

Dinner for us is Chicken wrapped in bacon on a bed of haggis, with a whiskey cream sauce. We have not had it in ages and it is so easy. Also, we felt it was appropriate for tonight, to celebrate Burns night.

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