Is anyone finding this Work at Home.......... challenging as I am?
Firstly an early morning 'How are you?' from our Zambian daughter, having forgotten she is two hours ahead of us!
Then a read and leisurely breakfast to start the day as it should be.
Some work in the 'office' then a coffee break.
An hour or so continuing with a big garden project before a coffee break with Phil The Farmer after checking the sheep.
A bit more work in the garden before lunch.
Started to build the bonfire to get rid of garden stuff - can't take it to the tip can I? - followed by a bit more clearing up.
Skype call - or whatever - with work followed by a couple of jars of Black Sheep, kindly donated by the landlord of the local pub who would rather give it away that throw it away. A sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree.
A couple of miles or three along the canal with the dog as our exercise of the day before coffee, garden tools away, start the fire, have tea, check the fire, check the sheep, do the dishes and finally a coffee in front of the TV.
Waste of time - nothing on. So off to bed with a good book.
Tiring or what?
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