Going too fast

By palindromonida

Letting off steam

Home school proper, day 1.

It was ok. We started the day with an Joe Wicks YouTube live PE lesson. Which turned out to be a fairly good HIIT workout. B got too hot half way through but J stuck most of it out.

We did some work. B struggled a bit to stay calm when she was finding it difficult. I am much less structured about it than I thought I would be.

We did some gardening and playing outside. The pogo stick is really popular, £20 well spent. It was warm so they asked to have a water fight. They were both very wet, but nobody ran off crying, which is a good end to such activities.

I dug the veg patch, cut back some of the bushes that were overhanging and planted some cucumber seeds. I have ordered some more seeds and a cold frame for growing - at least we can have fresh veg, but not until we are hoepfully less shut in.

I managed a shortish run, but was very tired when I got home. I then made the mistake of having a nap after tea. I couldn't sleep at bed time, predictably enough.

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