Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


So here we are. Following BoJo's directive yesterday evening I appealed to both the CEO and also the MD of my soon-to-be-sold outfit to request that the Drawing Office receive special dispensation to continue to work from the office, but it was not to be. 

So this morning I left my bicycle at home and cadged a lift to the office in my line-manager's car.

His first task of the day was to let our contractor know that the company will take care of their own, but not contractors, that responsibility lies at the feet of his agency. It can't have been a great deal of fun for my line-manager, but raised discreet whoops of joy from my few remaining colleagues. The team is now sleek, dedicated, and a lot less disillusioned than it has been for a great many months.

Having hacked away the dead wood, we then assembled what we could in terms of hardware, set it up, tested it, and then brought it home in line-manager's car.

You can probably tell that my “office chair” falls some way short of “Visual Display Equipment” guidelines. I have managed to set it all up well enough to perform my tasks, but with so many staff accessing our servers remotely, I have so far been unable to access any of my work. Perhaps an early start in the morning will get me to the front of the queue.

I also received an email from my osteopath to inform me that, in the current circumstances, they will be keeping their practitioners safe from clients. I will need to take extra care with my inadequate home-workstation.

But the news is not all bad, apart from rejoicing the new slimmed-down team, I've got a monster screen with which to really enjoy my recently acquired DVD collection.

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