Life in the times of Corona
Firstly, I want to moan that the weather has reverted to November style. Recent really warm sunshine is but a memory. Today was nasty. Wet windy and cold nasty. What a good job I'm in lockdown. No need to find a reason not to walk around outside.
Secondly, I did of course interpret lock down to include the 65 acres of campus where I live, and spent this afternoon in the school building for various reasons related to Day #2 of my new end of career but let's keep learning skill - online teaching. Walking through silent, empty corridors is weird. Seeing my students on a computer screen later on was even more so.
Btw, I know many blippers are teachers or retired teachers, so I am not preaching when I say that I do hope that the world is noticing just how adaptable, creative, collegial and quick learning, those who teach truly are. Forty eight hours in this virtual world of online lessons and I'm amazed by and indebted to my friends who, without fuss or frenzy are finding a way forward together, for youth and learning in these extraordinary days.
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