I use Can, just because I can

Cleaning my nose now and then has been one of my tactics fighting against invisible enemies.

I do not know if it helps against COVID-19, but I have had this stubborn sniffles since November, and now testing this. Cleaning with salty warm water seems to help the situation a lot, so maybe I continue doing this in the morning and sometimes also in the evening if I have been shopping groceries etc.

I have been told that many Healthcare professionals rinse their nose every evening, to avoid contaminations. And if the COVID-19 test is made from pharynx, I recon that rinsing nose with warm sea salt water can help avoiding contamination.

If you try this, remember to keep your nose down and breathe through your mouth. Good blowing your nose afterwards, also head down and diagonally.


Ps. Today in Finland 792 tested contaminated cases. Most of them in Helsinki area. All of contaminations are not tested.
Only 73 of patients of the amount are hospitalized, from which 17 in ICU care. So most seem to have a mild disease.

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