Just Tryin'

By Justtryin


About everything went wrong this morning... When my daughter left for school, her satchel started to drop: the bottle she takes along for the morning break had leaked, books, copybooks, everything wet!!

After fixing that, I had to take a parcel to the post office and planned to get 1) Rice Krispies (need them for peanutbutter treats), 2) a gym bag for my god son and 3) the latest issue of Monocle on my way. After doing all that, I would write a review of influences: A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design", a very interesting book I bought the other day.

Arriving at Wal-Mart (the only place where they used to sell Rice Krispies around here), I noticed that I had left the parcel at home. Rice Krispies where out of stock and the sports shop still closed at 9:30. Oh, and the magazine was not delivered to the shop yet - drove across the town in vain. Rest of the time fiddled away with blip...

Morning passed without achieving anything :-(

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