Half-Couch, Half-Person

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I thoroughly enjoyed my chat to the Princess last night. True, some of our chat was pretty depressing, but as always, I felt reassured having heard your voice. Also, you did make me laugh with your thingamajig up the wotsit talk.

Today, lethargy ruled. Although actually I did a fair bit of work. I was told to "drop everything" as they might want to make some changes to the MPI system I work on, to take in additional information pertinent to the virus. 

So I felt all big and important and put out a paper pretty quickly. Only to find that events have been moving so fast that they'd bypassed me and now there's some other solution being talked about.

Oh well. At least I showed willing.

After that, I put murder mysteries on the telly and Caro had a big nap with Jasper. It was very relaxing watching them there, and listening to them breathe. 

NOTE: No really, Caro IS asleep in this picture. She just fell asleep in mid-text. She does this all the time.

When Caro woke up, she called Macca to see how she was coping. 

Macca also seemed to be in good spirits although both women agreed that this quarantine thing is doing nothing for their fitness. "I will have merged with the cushions after four weeks," complained Caro. "I'll be half-couch, half-person by then."

My biggest achievement of the day was coming across Nick Heath on Twitter though. Seriously, if you haven't seen his #LifeCommentary videos you have to give them a go. My favourite is the one with the two dogs

Having just watched ALL of them, I can see this becoming a thing in my head that I do all the time.

"And you join me live in the kitchen at the start of the Cat-Feeding semi-finals. It's Punky making the first move, but here comes Jasper! Jasper! With a surprising turn of speed there, pushing through at the last minute and it's Jasper for the Gold Label Chicken Pate with Turkey Giblets! Punky having to make do there with licking him bum and pretending he doesn't care."

Good god. What am I going to be like after 4 weeks?


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