puppet show

This week feels surreal and we’re all a little jaded. Zeke was mainly hilarious but occasionally a brute. This was one of his awesome moments! Eve was happy enough once occupied with school work but she is fretting about coronavirus intermittently. There’s a lot for youngsters (and oldsters) to get their heads around.

It was good to be busy with the 3 children today and not looking at endless news and stats. Lockdown is finally upon us and I pray with all my heart for the NHS workers who face an almighty battle and risk their own health in the process.


1. The town’s children making rainbows to hang in their windows so friends can spot other children’s homes. A banner of God’s faithfulness!
2. Getting to know how the children tick a little more;
3. Isaac cuddling my legs whilst I helped Eve with her bit of schoolwork - he’s very accommodating of the new way of life and makes up for lost cuddles from Mummy whilst enjoying the extras from Eve and Zeke.

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