
By Sefferdog

The Eagle Has Landed

Went up to Lochloosa Lake this morning after work and not much stirring. I did manage a few mediocre eagle shots. Here is one, just wish he had been in the clear vs. all of the brush, but that's where they live!

It was a debate between this one I blipped and this one here, which shows the male eagle perched up above the nest, and in no uncertain terms voicing his displeasure at the fact that I am in HIS woods. It is a very heavy crop, but you get the idea. I need a longer lens.

Here is a link to today's Flickr upload to see a few more eagles, as well as a couple little blue egret shots.

Then, last but not least - HERE are some shots from the other day at Viera Wetlands. Some close-up gator shots, as well as a host of others.

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