POG's Journal


More Snipping and Mowing.

Hi Everyone,

Spent a few hours in the garden today… As previously suggested, I started to try and sort out all the waste I have been generating. I spotted the garden incinerator in one corner of the garden and thought I could have a little fire or two over the next week to get rid of the dry stuff. So, I will get up at dawn tomorrow so not to disturb anyone.

I did have another quick mow of the grass more to even it out and suck up some of the debris that is all over it as I tramp around. I think I may just mow every other day for this week should the weather allow it. 

Tomorrows plan in the garden will be more tiding up, if things go to plan from Wednesday / Thursday I should be able cutback enough each day to burn in a day or twos time.
Stay safe my friends, more tomorrow.


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