day three

After last nights all change
I slept badly as was worried about how the children would react to the change
Luckily they were fine with it and even more happy when we told them Amazon were delivering their Lego!

Before I left for work they took pictures with their eggs to share with their teachers.

I got to work
It was quite unsettling as noome knew what was happening
I got sent home at 9:45 as there were too many staff. Picked up the tinkers and all home by 10:30

We did some home learning, we did life skills - make your own lunch / load the dish washer

Science was crystal making and looking at our eggs

Outdoor games was a lovely long bike ride.
Woms great on his bike
We just need to master starting and using brakes to stop

Pizzas made by the children for their tea
A little bit of reading and some outside play

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