Tulips from ......

....... 8 days ago!
My daughter gave me these a few days ago ( before THE day) yesterday as I was putting my fresh flowers in vases , I just couldn't throw these away as they looked so beautiful, however today I think is the last day.
Like most people I've been " holed - up" but kept busy - - - -
# Get up have shower
# Put washing in the machine
# Do a short exercise regime ( made up by me)
# Have breakfast
# Put washing on the line
# Clean out the cupboard under the sink
# Take a few phone calls
# Have a cuppa and a cheese roll whilst taking a phone call from daughter C
# Do a bit of social media and blipping
# Take a phone call from daughter K
# Take washing in , all dry.
Now that looks impressive doesn't it!! Well what do you talk about when you're in isolation, lol. Oh I forgot to say I put the refuse out for tomorrow's collection, don't know whether they are still working or not. Tonight should have been our group , alas meeting suspended. Tho' we are doing the reading at the allotted time opening and closing prayer being used , then discuss via e - mail . So pleased we can keep this going , have even discuss what we will do after Easter as we need a new project.
Hope you have all enjoyed , as far as possible, your day. Let's all stay positive and find a little giggle each day , one blipper puts a corny joke each day , I can't guarantee that but I'll find a snippet , or try, each day
The story in our family was for many years was this - - -
When I was about 3/4 yrs old my brother Colin had a very precious Canary . One day my mother found it had died ( Colin being at school) so she said to me " Now please don't tell Colin the Canary has died. " what did I do when Colin came home but say " Reminds me our Col the birds not here!
Typical child's thing to say , they have no qualms about telling the truth .
Just a line to hopefully make you smile!

Grateful ..... for my sense of humour .

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