
By Juli

Fun at work!

Today is Fun at Work Day. It's also Burns Night, of course, but you won't get me anywhere near a haggis if I can help it! I do hope anyone celebrating it has a lovely time, though!

I did have fun at work today, as my new Geography Club for Year 7 started. Phew, two of the kids have parents who work for an airline and they've already been to places I can only dream about but thank goodness I could answer all their questions. Like 'Why is Greenland called Greenland if it's white and Iceland called Iceland if it's green?'. They'll have to do better than that to catch me out, ha, ha! They certainly were a great bunch and I think every Friday will now be 'Fun at Work Day'!

Last week I did some letter templates that spell 'Geography Club' and the kids cut them out of old maps today - that should make a nice heading for our display board in the corridor! They're all keen to learn about different countries so next week they will start researching a country of their choice and make posters. I've already got a list of ideas for them. As well as things like population or main crops, I shall get them to look up things like the national flowers, birds and mottos. I'm hoping that they don't know countries have these 'national symbols' so they should find that interesting. We're also going to make a countries top trumps game as we go along.

It wasn't all 'fun', though, as some of the current PGCE students at my school finished this particular placement today. I couldn't have got through the teacher training application process without their moral support and will really miss having a laugh with them in the staff room. It was so sad to say goodbye but hopefully we'll keep in touch. The rest are leaving next week, which will be awful as well - they're such a terrific bunch and will all be outstanding teachers, I'm sure.

PS. Having checked the online teacher training application system every five minutes today, I arrived home to find my offer letter in the post! Yay! Mind you, the conditions were as expected so I've had to make a few phone calls and send a couple of emails already to sort out my maths and English equivalencies. Nothing else I can do until I get replies so will catch up on here later!

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