Coming Unstuck

We have had an amazing holiday and have been very fortunate in managing to keep one step ahead of the problems caused by the virus.

That all came unstuck tonight when we got to Siem Reap airport in Cambodia for our flight to Hanoi and our connecting one to London to be greeted by this.

The reference to check-in desks was deceptive: when we got there we were told that Vietnam was not accepting any foreign nationals, not even in transit and we couldn't board. So it was everyone (the 10 of our party who hadn't left the day before) back to the hotel.

As I post this it's 1a.m. On Monday 23 March and, since Thursday, the local agent of our travel company has been trying to get us alternative flights.

The good news is, I'm posting this from Doha airport as we wait for a 7.45 onward flight to Heathrow. We've been on the road for 19 hours so far, after a 6 hour coach journey to Phnom Penh and an 8 hour flight here and it will be at least another 18 hours before we get to Somerset but we're just relieved to have "come unstuck" be on our way home!

At least I'll have plenty of time to sort out my holiday snaps and catch up on all my missing blips. A combination of a lack of time (until Thursday!) problems with storage onthe I-pad and finally the thought that I'll be glad to have something to do the next few weeks has meant that I'm completely out of touch blipping-wise. Looking forward to catching up with all you regulars; hope you are all well and coping. From our distant view, it's been hard to comprehend what it's like back home. At least we'll find out soon!

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