Distantly Walking
While walking with Cosmo this morning, and both being very careful to keep a distance from anything that moved, we passed this cottage.
I had taken a couple of pictures of a few brave daffodils, but for the photo of the day I preferred this picture of the cottage.
We did meet a couple of dogs with whom Cosmo would probably like to have exchanged a passing acknowledgement, however I pointed out to her that they had humans in company, and so we had to give them a wide berth. Never mind two metres, it was more like 50 to 100 metres.
Sunny but cold, with a biting wind, especially in the evening.
Cosmo said to thank everybody who liked her photos yesterday, and for the compliments on being such a sensible dog. She is not used to being called "Sensible", maybe "clever" sometimes, but seldom sensible!
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