
By AnnieBScotland

Burns' Night

We celebrate Robert Burns today, so I thought it was appropriate to show you the full thistle from which yesterday's macro was taken. Got this in the bag before I went out this morning, and while I was watching the early part of the Murray/Federer match.

Off to Glasgow to a committee meeting and now back home to do a bit of organising for a photo day out tomorrow. Tonight I am dragging John to a Burns' night ceilidh down at New Lanark. He hates Burns, having been to school in 'Burns' Country' and had him rammed down his throat, as he puts it. But there'll be no speeeches, just scottish dancing and haggis, neeps and tatties around 9pm. Veggie for me, I hate the real stuff!

Burns did write some lovely songs, and here is one of my favourites, beautifully sung by Eddi Reader in her Fairground Attraction days

PS forgot to mention that the halo tucked away in the box is cracking up as I write, for I have PUT ON one whole pound this week! must try harder!!

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