Leap Of Faith, Eccles

Another glorious morning today so me and my brother decided to go for an early run. My cold has not improved but I just wanted to get out for a bit of exercise, to feel my limbs moving and to get my heart rate up. I always but always feel better after a run.
Leap of faith can cover many things, both foolhardy and brave. I never have to take a leap of faith with my brother, I would trust him with my life and I absolutely know he feels the same way. Sometimes it feels like me and him against the world but if it came down to that I would feel the most secure person ever.
The other leap of faith is the way the current crisis is being handled. We hear one thing from the government, another much more worrying view from frontline health workers and yet another from the internet (I tend not to invest my time with the wilder elements of that).
Work is another matter as well - as of last Friday they still have not closed my workplace in Central London. Photography requests are still flying around, nearly always from colleagues who are working from home. Do the technicians and photographers take leap of faith or trust their own instincts? I know what I will be doing if and when I'm told my presence is desired (cold permitting).
Today's shot is of my brother taking his own leap of faith, camera in hand, when we went for a walk after the food shopping (which he had to do on his own - I didn't want to risk giving anyone my cold).

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