Ugly Curve
The next 14-days are going to be terrible as the American curve replicates South Korea's and Italy's. Our Federal Government squandered 12 critical weeks calling it a hoax, mis-informing and politicizing our daily briefings. (I never use the word "critical", but it is appropriate here.) By the time South Korea had done 200,000 tests, we had done less than 1,000. Testing is just now starting to ramp up.
On the CV updates from the White House briefing room Trump has shown us the profound need for personal praise, the propensity to blame others, the lack of human empathy, the penchant for rewriting history, the disregard for expertise, the distortion of facts, the impatience with scrutiny or criticism.
If there is one thing we have learned about Trump in the last 3 1/2 years, it's that he's a human earthworm: Every time he gets cut in half, he grows another tail using lies, cheating, and thievery. What Trump does to manipulate the fight against coronavirus will make us long for the innocent days of Barr burying the Mueller report. The virus we caught isn't COVID-19; it's Trump, And the only vaccine we've got against Covid-45 is the November election.
I pray for the world and our health care workers. We will get to the other side.
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