
Nowt to do with The Current Situation, but the 24hr shift at my work now starts and ends at 10am rather than 1.30pm at our request. Meaning that I was home well in time to get showered, changed, fed and ready to get out for the afternoon on the bike by lunchtime.

And the ride was great, even featuring an easterly for a change which meant that the second half wasn't the usual semi-murderous, wind-blasted slog home (Strava followers may be interested to learn that the Aberlady-Commonwealth Pool segment was done in a mere 50 minutes rather than the 1 hour and 10 minutes earlier in the week - that's some difference! Or they may not give a shit. I dunno)

Telly and art and takeout and post-school fallout following news of exam cancellations and the like. Some tears, emotions running high, not unexpected.

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