A quiet dog walk around Bristol this morning.
As usual but not as normal somehow.
I'm due back in school on Monday morning.
We are on a rota, yet to be formulated, to be in school to look after children of key workers.
I am also a keyworker so theoretically my boys should be at their school. They weren't so keen on that.
There's a huge list of things to do around the house and at school so I'll be plenty busy enough.
My year group are Year 11 and they all left yesterday. We sorted some Dominos Pizza for them and had an impromptu party in their part of the school. They embraced it (I think) and were happily singing, hugging each other (I know) and taking selfies. They have been, on the whole, a great group of young people and I am sorry to see them go.
There was almost a tear but the emotion quashing side of my brain shut it down!
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