(Self) Preservation

Would be more upbeat, if I hadn’t seen the news from Boris. But I wasn't surprised anyway. We were bound to follow. The government has so much to sort, what would normally take years, they’ve to do in days.

Hotel workers on zero hour contracts sacked (even having to pack bags and leave provided accommodation immediately - and go where if no flights home?).

Restaurants, gyms, leisure centres, shops having to close by tonight. All so sudden.

We need that cure and a vaccine ... please,

Last night and this morning, I prepared chopped garlic under oil, and chopped ginger/turmeric in cyder vinegar. Had to peel about 100 small cloves. Now refrigerated.

Going to watch TV in bed as it seems chillier. Maybe just a quick walk round the flat for exercise. Only done 2500 steps so far. Need to try and keep fit for when this is all over.

Keep your spirits up. We’re all in this together now. Blowing kisses your way xxxxx

NB Yes that is a yellow stain on the blitzer - from the turmeric. Scrubbed it - should fade eventually.

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