Both Sides Now

By issybe

The end of assembly

Today was very emotional. Saying goodbye to two year groups who were told their hard work would not be put to the test ....

Then saying good bye to the younger ones without knowing when we will see them again. Pupils are not celebrating, they are trying to make sense of it all and many are daunted by the prospect of months at home with very limited contact with their friends.

Teachers are not celebrating either. It’s times like this you realise how involved we are with students’ progress and just like the students we have been stripped of our purpose, our reason to get up in the morning. Yes, we will be in school looking after key workers’ children but I know I will miss the pressure of the last minute exam preparation as well as the tears of joy ( in most cases) on results day in August!

The class of 2020 at our school have handled all this extremely well and we are so proud of how far they have progressed. Not only academically but also as human beings!

I will be raising a glass to them this evening- from the comfort of my sofa of course!
Well done class of 2020!!! I will miss you all!

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