Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1940. Animal Crossing Day!

I was in town for most of the morning today collecting all of my Animal Crossing paraphernalia which has included a new console, cases, controllers as well as the actual game itself.  I met up with my friend who is also a huge fan of the game and my youngest who joined us for a coffee before he headed off to work.

Back home now having transferred all of my saved data to the new console so that my old one can be taken to my step daughter next week just in time for her to spend time playing games once the hotel she works in is possibly going to close down for a while.

Just sitting here watching the news and the latest briefing from the government.  Our family get together here at home tomorrow will probably be our last for a wee while as we choose to just see family in very small numbers so we can keep our distance inside the house too.

It’s quite scary but we have no choice but to comply in order to protect ourselves, our families and the broader community.

But....I now have Animal Crossing to play whenever I want at home, I have several exercise games and lots to stream, lots of DVD box sets and of course my camera and lots of stuff to photograph in the house!

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