Self Isolating At Costal Defences

Another sunny blue sky day and an opportunity to see that the outside world exists.

After breakfast we both decided that some fresh sea air was just what the Doctor ordered. Of course, we had to keep in mind the social distance rules.

Before we jumped in the car, I loaded up all of the glass bottles, containers and jars into the car and we drove off to the recycling bottle banks.

The bank was completely empty apart from a rather fine motorcycle with a Police Investigation Sticker attached.

We have a "smashing" time and then drive along to Tents Muir on the south bank of the Tay Estuary. There are very few people on the streets and at the water side.

The concrete blocks are part of the sea defences put in place to resist an invasion from Norway during WWII. Apparently there was a risk that Adolf Hitler had a plan to invade Scotland from Norway. Of course it never happened.

We spent some time walking along the costal path and we were surprised at how few people were out and about. Those we did see were of our vintage. Some were cycling and some were being taken for a walk by their dogs.

Everyone said Hello but the  minimum social distance of 2 metres was carefully observed.

Feeling much invigorated we drove back home, planning our outing for tomorrow.

Another round of phone conversations with friends. It is becoming apparent that some will be able to handle the possible twelve weeks of "staying at home" and some will need a lot of phone support.

Today is the spring equinox when day and night are of the same length. Apparently, here it occurred 03:51 a.m.

Certainly the longer days, early mornings, and later evenings are very much appreciated.

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