Abstract Thursday - Pattern - Done!
I spotted this pigeon feather sparkling with raindrops in the garden on my way to the greenhouse. An overnight visitor had been nibbling on the broad bean &hollyhock seed I planted the day before yesterday so reinforcements were needed. My request for a humane mousetrap futile. Fingers crossed it can't get through the mesh I've used on the flower seed. The first batch of broad bean & onion sets moved up to the allotment in the drizzle. The packs fitted in the boot of my car perfectly. The new batch will have to live outside, which is a shame as I really wanted them to be a bit further on for when I plant the 3rd batch directly into the ground on my allotment. Never a dull moment here. What a fiasco!
I managed to buy an in-store baked baguette, & bag of plain flour, the only bag left on the shelf in the Coop, yesterday there was none. No meat, very little fruit & veg. The only meat product in the Spar was a fresh delivery of Chinn's sausages which I normally buy so bought a pack. Oh, and the newspaper of course.
A few hours on the allotment are needed tomorrow ... please let it be dry.
A hearty veg & bean stew tonight with fresh white baguette. Parsnip, swede, & leeks fresh off the plot, borlotti & runner bean beans from the freezer.
"What's that bread we've been eating"
"It's sourdough from the Coop"
"I can only eat that or Warburton's, I can't eat white bread so don't go buying that"
And then he climbed the stairs to bed.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.
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