Asha Basha Boo... we called her when she was tiny. 
A more relaxed day school work wise...some work, but also some family games that included lots of jumping and running (to blow off steam for Nate). Asha and I also took our time making a roasted tomato soup for lunch - delish. After lunch all 4 of us squashed into our bed to read our books...pictured is Asha who each day reads the kids devotional out to us all. 
I feel like we accepted the slow pace today and it felt better. 
Tonight I Zoomed (like Skype) Jud and Maleni, good to talk and pray together. 
As ever, 8pm cheering was moving, as was the waving between neighbours and the shouts of 'see you tomorrow!'

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Modern technology allowing us to keep in touch and check in with people.
2) Julia and Tom's news! Woohoo!!
3) s l o w i n g  d o  w n...

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