The Corona Diaries, day #4
Fourth day of no school, day 2.5 of lockdown and warnings that the initial 15-day confinement period will be extended.
I'm so used to working from home, even during school holidays, that I don't think I really realise how exceptional this all is. The only difference for now is that there's no end-date to it all. Am a little brain-frazzled but we're all coping overall.
It's only when you get out beyond the garden gate (having signed the form to give yourself permission to go out!) that you see how calm it is out. When you have to wait outside the baker's door because there's already someone else inside so you're not allowed in.
But as I said yesterday, it's eerie but somehow there's a nice sense of togetherness - people you've never seen before say hello, people in their gardens are keen to exchange a few words whereas they'd have otherwise turned around to avoid you.
Not been in a supermarket for a few days - keeping that excitement/stress for tomorrow!
Nothing much to report in all - confinement in rural Normandy. There are worse places to be stuck and the weather is pretty glorious. After months and months of rain, it's a small miracle!
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