Happy Birthday Emily.

Daughter Number 1 is 29 today. 
She didn't go on her Spa Day or go shopping. 
She won't be having her Boozy Brunch with her Girlies on Saturday and she won't be having a weekend in Budapest.

Today she baked herself a cake and had a McDonalds Lunch.

Meanwhile, Mr W did a 7am Silver Surfers trip to Sainsburys along with the entire population of West Sussex and still didn't manage to get everything we needed.

I then joined a Messenger Group for our Road and had complete strangers finding me the left over bits I need for the cake my cake maker friend was due to make but she cancelled this morning. I was able to talk another friend into doing it instead!!

Daughter Number 1 then had a visit from my ICU nurse sister  who put the Willies up her about coming to me tomorrow as her BF is diabetic. I told her to listen to Boris. So just as the amazing cake was being made, it was touch and go as to whether or not it was going to be needed but DN1 thought Boris told her to come!!

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Daughter. And don't worry, next year will be fabulous. xXx

Daughter Number 2 then came over for Walkies in between house viewings. Shes hoping to move to my town. She said it would be handy for Babysitting!!!! She saw a house she loved that was actually owned by someone I know so have been in it!!! Its a small world. And a slightly scary one just now. 

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