Self isolating walk around Arthur's Seat

Sooooooo.........................things are getting really scary in Edinburgh now and Ann is wondering whether she should 'self-isolate' both of us. 
BUT we have to remember that we are the lucky ones. We're NOT elderly, or at high risk, or on a zero hour contract, or living hand to mouth, or have a young family to feed, or have an elderly relative to care for.

…...............There's just the two of us, in a very nice flat in Edinburgh. We have food for about 2-3 weeks. We have toilet rolls. Not sure that we have enough wine but hey ho that's probably a good thing.

What isn't a good thing is............................ Ann's main source of income is from our house in St Ives, Cornwall, that we rent out to holiday makers. We've got loads of bookings for the summer, but today we got our first cancellation and I'm sure lots more will follow. We've been expecting this and to be honest we have to put people's health first.

We were planning on going down to Cornwall for most of April but in line with the government guidelines, our trip down there is 'non-essential' travel so we won't be going. …..........And we won't be opening up the house for bookings either because Ann feels that as a 'responsible landlady' she shouldn't be encouraging non essential travel.

We could just put an advert on our website and say, 'Go and self-isolate in Cornwall 'cos everything is still open.' A lot of people are still doing that. BUT, if FB is to be believed, Cornwall only has 15 ventilators. How long are they going to last if the population doubles???

Ann is 61 years old. From her first paper round when she was 13 years old, she's always worked. She's always supported herself. And don't get me wrong................... there's no reason for us to financially panic yet?!! …..........BUT Ann is 'self employed' so there might be in 6 months time???

Oh and the other thing that is really annoying us Ann, the government hasn't issued a directive telling all pubs/restaurants to close. Having worked in the hospitality industry in Cornwall for more than 20 years.............................. it's no good just advising people not to go to the pub. Most people in Cornwall are existing on 'minimum wage' and those that run/own the pubs/restaurants are living on the breadline. Unless they get an official directive from the government ordering them to close, they can't claim anything from their insurance companies. So obviously they're going to try and stay open for as long as they can. Wouldn't you, if you wanted to feed your family???

OK, so that's probably enough RANTING for one day.

We need to count our blessings........................... 

It was lovely and sunny this afternoon so off I went on a 7 mile trek around Arthur's Seat.

Tired now.  Toodles xx

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