The Beginning

The title could mean many things as this is at the headwaters of the Salmon River that flows eventually through many deep crazy canyons into the Columbia River and out to sea. It could refer to the majesty of these mountains in the Sawtooth Valley that are so isolated you truly are in country, much of it protected thank God, that is not very impacted by humans - no real commerce a few lodges and the like only.

But what I refer to is our beginning. Tom quit corporate life at about age 40 and then worked with his hands and in the ski industry to ultimately come to this valley and run a large ranch that is behind this fence. He ran cattle in summer and a cross country ski operation in winter - he always said it was basically a feed operation both seasons. We were courting so to speak, and have the sweetest memories of our younger days here, me coming up from Boise on weekends. Nothing has really changed but for the ranch being private now, and us being older.

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