Commercial carp fishers.

I did take a couple of yard bird shots that I was going to decide between for my blip today, but while working in my office I looked out the window and witnessed the strangest thing.  Three men in a boat pulled up to the shore and drove a long steel pipe into the ground.  They then attached a net, (like the nets the Indians use for fishing in the Puget Sound) they started putting the net out along the shore for a long distance, then drove the boat back and forth.  I watched as they started pulling the net in full of very large fish.  I called the department of fish and wildlife and asked about it and they said it was commercial carp fishers.  I also talked to my friend that runs the crew club on the lake and he said the lake is over run by carp and they need to get them out.  The carp where really huge.  So I made this my blip as I haven't seen it before and I can get yard birds tomorrow.

Son came home today, no idea if he is going back for the one class or not still getting conflicting information.  But he is home and can always switch to another on line class if they don't get it figured out by the end of spring break.  He is doing his final exams on line the next two days.

Husband is home as he has a fever today, some congestion but no other symptoms so hopefully it's just a regular bug.  My brother lives two hours away and was at the doctors today, pretty sick with all the symptoms.  They suspect he has the corona virus and have asked him to stay home.

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