Pole Dancing

I'm grateful for anything I can find, and as soon as I saw a spider on the window frame I just knew I had it in the bag (not literally, but if it was it would be paper and not plastic). It looks better in large view.

JJ has been to the hairdresser this morning and was asked to wait in the back room whilst others were having their hair cut.  No-one was allowed to sit inside to wait but were told when to come back for their turn.

I CAN'T GO TWELVE WEEKS OR MORE BEFORE VISITING MY STYLIST, so that's a bridge I'm going to have to cross in the next month or so.

This is advice for all those of you who have panic bought toilet rolls.  No-one needs to haul out large quantities of paper to wipe up a little dribble of wee.  Taking two sheets, folded once and once again, will do the job perfectly well without getting damp fingers.  As for the other end, again two sheets but only fold once.  The rest is up to you to decide how many times you need to repeat this exercise.  GOT IT? :-)))

ps  I've stopped watching non-stop news, it's not helpful.

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