The cargo ship Scot Mariner moored in Inverness Harbour this evening. Just a quick snap in the rain and cold. In reality it was quite a bit duller, and darker than the above depicts.

In tonight's virus news, the face-to-face teaching of Students that was to end at 5pm on Friday, changed. It finished today. And after yesterday's moan about the panic buyers clearing out parts of the supermarket, faith in humanity was greatly restored by a lovely class of Students that played a trick on me. A nice and fun trick. Received a phone call in the workshop from a mobile number I didn't recognise. Turns out its one of the Architectural Technology Students having a problem with the printer, though they've always emailed me in the past. Did think it a bit strange, as they've only needed help at big report or presentation times, when they've loads of drawings to printout, or produce on the huge roll paper plotter. It was at times like that I did help them, and let them know that I'd stay behind in the evenings to give them any help with the machines on the nights before those big submissions or presentations. There wasn't anything like that coming up soon.

Into fault finding mode, I try to establish which machine isn't working, so I can remotely check it, and then what the nature of the problem was. The Student was a bit vague. Little did I know the whole class were listening in, and he was a bit flustered saying to them, "He's asking questions! What do I say?" Meanwhile I partly jokingly ask if he'd tried switching it off and then on again, as that had genuinely sorted it last time it was playing up. His vagueness continued, and I said I'd seen him shortly, "You're coming up?", said he, and, "Yes, I'll be up there in a few minutes" said I. He seemed greatly relieved. Strange...

Of course they were all waiting and giggling away. Their Lecturer was enjoying the fun too. Somewhat taken aback, I was presented with a lovely box of Celebration chocolates and a card, with them saying that they might not be back after today, so they were taking the opportunity to say thank you now, "...for your help throughout the years, and for always fixing the printer when we are having a meltdown over our assignments!" I was greatly touched by that, and thanked them, saying they shouldn't have, I do get paid to look after them, and they're the ones that pay me through their taxes. Of course wished them all well for their futures after being with us, out there in the crazy real world. And we had a blether. Thank you to the year four Students, for making my day, you always have been a nice, friendly, and fun class. It's been a pleasure to assist.

Later it was off to the supermarket, to pick up some fruit and veg, and a few other items I hadn't space for last night. Horror of horrors, the panic buyers had struck again, and some of those items that were available last night, like cheese and margarine, had all gone. Certain fruit items had been cleaned out, as had all the potatoes, carrots, onions, and few other vegetables. Plenty other fruit and green veg though, which was good news. It seems that the panickers aren't quite desperate enough to eat healthy foodstuffs... not yet.

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