
By dunkyc

Story awaiting discovery

After a day spent staring at two monitors - one used to receive a constant stream of depressing information the other to dispense it - it was time for some air.

The wind whipping at my back and cooling my stubbly head, I pulled my beanie down tightly and strode along the river path at a brisk pace. 

Although windy, clouds dominated the sky taking the sting out of the late Winter’s air. 

Barely a soul passed me by and pausing only briefly to contemplate purchasing (ultimately deciding against) something fried from the local chippy, I carried on my way following the river until eventually breaking away and marching up Castle Street.

On arriving at the intersection of Castle Street and Castle Road, I happened across the unassuming but welcoming box you see pictured here. It was tastefully hidden in plain sight under the shade of a lovely green tree - a botanist I am none. A seasoned blipper, my natural inclination was to instantly photograph it and enjoy the feeling of having something I found mildly interesting to blip about.

Continuing on my meandering journey up to a deserted Kendal Castle and enjoying the dusky, blustery view out over The Old Grey Town, I thought about that box full of exchangeable literature. I thought about how nice it was that the box existed for that purpose. I thought about how best I could frame my experience of finding that brilliant box full of stories awaiting discovery.

Coming up empty, I made my way home and whiled away some time creating an ultimately redundant and anti-climatic short story with little to no pay off offering scant reward for the reader.

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