Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A story telling blip today...

...a little sugar spoon with a tale to tell...
We rescued it from Roy's parents' house, and we think it might go as far back as the war when they were both in the RAF, and stationed in Limavady. Roy's dad was originally a spotter, looking for subs attacking the Atlantic convoys - until someone dropped a fire extinguisher on his foot during a drill, and he was transferred to the Ops Room as a plotter. This is where he met Roy's mum, who was a telephonist in the ops room - and the rest, as they say, is history... They got married in Limavady, and I've put their wedding photo in as an extra ;) 
Now isn't that an uplifting story to Keep Up Spirits, and despite the damage the spoon is still there in the sugar bowl on the shelf ;)
Happy St Patrick's Day blippers - and thanks to Jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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