
Charlotte is teething.
She's just a bit under the weather with it.
She was awake in the night which we hadn't had for a while, but with some cuddles and Calpol she settled. Daddy took her downstairs at seven to play and to give me thirty minutes snooze time. Lush.
She slept for an hour before we woke her to go swimming. Once again we had melt down, I was a bit annoyed with the way the swimming teacher just excluded her from the lesson. She suggested I gave Charlotte Calpol before next weeks lesson, not sure I agree with that at all. The other babies were tearful but they weren't left out. Or, was I just being super sensitive?
Grandma came over, Charlotte gave her the most beaming smile. Did a few jobs, took Lee's shirts to the cleaners as he only has 4 clean ones left! Oops! Also got supplies from Wilkos.
Quiet tea then delayed bath a little. Noisy fun bath with daddy followed by snuggles and cuddles with night garden.
Going to try a new group tomorrow - excited.

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