Birthday flowers

After breakfast the girls went to a activity club for an hour   We didn’t do much sat and read the paper. Then packed and check out. Then we all went swimming before lunch, granddaughter K was doing really well with her swimming. After swimming we had lunch. By this time it had stopped raining and I had some binoculars for the girls in the car and they wanted to use them so we went out into the garden and looked across to a white horse on the hill. We left the hotel at about 3pm. The girls didn’t want to go they were having so much fun they had made friends with little girl she was staying for another night. On the way home we called into Waitrose to get something for tea. On the way home passed the white horse on the hill so I stopped to take a photo see extra. 
I had some lilies as a birthday present from my niece in Spain and over the weekend they had opened up. They looked great. 

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