Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It’s getting a bit tense ...

... so we’re playing games to keep calm. The older generation beat the kids in a nail biting finish. 

We’d have won easily if I hadn’t kept throwing ones and two with the dice.  Still, I suppose it beats being at sixes and sevens like our prime minister, who is showing all the leadership skills of a dead otter. 

Work is now totally focused on The One Big Issue. I am more or less going to be based at home for the foreseeable, which is probably the right thing for me personally as well as professionally. I did go into the office for a morning meeting. Coming home saw a rather bizarre sight of two young lads with large black face masks outside the station; they had pulled them down to have a fag, Clearly Covid scares them more than cancer.

Rather lovely FaceTime with The Girl Racer. They are shutting down Whistler so she will have time on her hands. But it does mean she is unlikely to be coming over at the end of next month unless something changes suddenly.

 Life however goes on. Mr T and his team started work on the front drive today, and dug up all the ‘orrible old concrete. Hope they don’t go down with the bug otherwise we’ll be left with a pile of dirt for a long while. They seem like strong lads.  Let’s hope so ...

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