Fast Food... and Corona

I haven’t drunk one in years, but I decided it was a fitting night to have some Corona with some fast food tacos.

Today has been a very strange day. In short succession, I got emails noting that our gym is closing until further notice, and that my campus is closing a day earlier than planned (throwing my online planning into further chaos). Then as I absorbed this information, I got a text from my husband that he was coming home as arrangements were made for his entire office to work from home until no one knows when (so that makes two of us... and a confused cat). We ventured out for a Costco run, though trying to do regular grocery shopping is made more of a trial since so many people have absolutely lost their minds (it seems absolutely everyone is at the store at all times—so much for crowd avoidance and social distancing—and each of them is apparently feeding a mid-sized country and also needs warehouse quantities of something highly random; e.g, one woman appeared to have half a cart full of face moisturizer). I could stand to live in somewhat less interesting times.

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