Lala's Journal

By Lala

Falling apart

Only snap taken today on my way to the EC. Both schools arrived today, but in total ten schools cancelled during the morning. Then, PM Boris put measures in place to contain Coronavirus including the suspension of all non essential travel. I had diverted my office phone to my mobile before I left the office and within half an hour the teacher of tomorrow’s school had phoned to cancel. I also received an email from the Girl Guide leader and I’m fairly sure they too will cancel their big event scheduled for September, because with all their meetings suspended they cannot recruit participants and make all arrangements. It’s all looking serious now. 
I left work early to attend a hearing test, and as suspected my hearing has done a nose dive downwards! AIDS needed in both ears now and because the hearing loss is so different in both ears she is recommending to the doctor that my head is investigated! Not quite sure what this means but I do remember my mother often saying to my teenage self ‘you need your head examined’! Looks like that newspaper report that I am now on the ‘elderly’ list is coming to fruition!

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