
By Ronniebofa

It’s a worrying time

Trying to take my mind away from the topic that dominates the news: but it’s difficult! Planned to spend the day in the garden and allotments. In garden planted containers with primroses, dianthus and violas and potted up some of last year’s Fuchsias from which cuttings will be taken. It was then time for allotments where brother and I finished barrowing and levelling out wood chip and bark on allotment paths and even planted out some daisies and foxgloves before the rain arrived and forced us to mines for coffee.
We were just in time to catch the World Health Organization (WHO) press conference. The WHO emphasised the importance of testing for Coronavirus as the prime means of controlling is spread - “Test, Test and Test: Test every suspected case and all their contacts”. This is not the policy of the UK government where even health workers and those in self isolation with symptoms are not tested. It seems that in the UK only those admitted to hospital with critical symptoms are tested!! Why is this? One thing is sure: the UK figure of those infected must be a gross misrepresentation of the actual figure. Perhaps this is the reason for not testing: the government does not want the populous to know what the actual figure is.

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