Beam me up...
Mr B insisted that I blip this health and safety disaster. Today we put the second slapper/beam in place and have started straight in with the heaters to dry the cement. This small red heater is located approximately 3.8 metres from the ground. Hooked onto a curtain spike of uncertain stability. With one of these heaters going at each end of the beam, plus two radiators upstairs for the kids, plus the dishwasher and washing machine and water heater all on the go... I have never seen our electricity meter flashing so fast... And no, I'm not looking forward to that bill.
But there could have been a worse health and safety incident: today was the first time I have run from a DIY situation scared for life and limb... Happily the strange creaking noises did not precede a foot square beam falling on our heads - and the beam in question is now braced with props until we can get it bolted to the new beams and take down the broken bit. Mr B did not cheer me up by revealing this is far from the first time he has run from a DIY room in fear.... Time to double check that life insurance policy I think.
Aside from beam raising (ow, my arms) there was the usual toing and froing with the kids, though less than usual as football was, by mayoral decree, cancelled.
Somehow, no time for baking/marmalade today.
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