Northern Exposure

By Northern

Gate Crasher

There was I making feeble attempts on a very grey day with rubbish light to take a picture of swans who really didn't want their picture taken.

When up pops this seal!

Honestly you'd think I was a tourist or something the way this chap was trying to get in on the act.

The swans were trying to get away from me. I tried to follow them. The swans managed their get-a-way by gliding along the smooth sea. Whilst I stumbled and slipped my way over the stoney beach covered in gummy seaweed.

As for the seal... well, he managed to appear right in front of my camera taking up the whole lens and making me think it was the Loch Ness Monster. Giving me the fright of my life and causing me to slip on the aforementioned seaweed before he splashed off again.

He might at least have given me the chance to get a decent pic of him.

I am now convinced that seals have a very, very wicked sense of humour.

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