
By Akasha

So Posh and Grand

Had a little trip up to Buckton village today to buy my fresh eggs and dropped off in Sewerby and called at the hall and gardens. Its a lovely little spot right on the cliff top. Its had various spellings over the years but its origins are Danish. Prior to the Norman Conquest it was largely owned by 2 landowners Carle and Torchil. It was eventually passed to Robert , Count of Mortain in Normandy and Earl of Cornwall, half brother to William the Conqueror.
The hall passed down through the years and even landed in the hands of Sir Charles Brandon one time brother-in-law to Henry VIII.
It was sold in part in 1934 to Bridlington Corporation and is now one of the attractions of the area. Its house exhibits the history of Amy Johnson who was born in Hull. There is a now a small zoo and some wonderful gardens to walk around. Its a beautiful place and well a visit.

So thats a bit of local history from me. Hope you've all had a good day.

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