Obviously, A Black Eyed Junco

The sun came out today.....there are blue skies at the moment; of course, yesterday's snow melted quickly. I liked this little Junco sitting on my gutter because his little toe has a shadow and he has a slight sparkle in his very Black Eye.

So, although things outside have brighten, I am still coughing and feeling sick. Anyone out there have a clue what might help in a quicker recovery? I have sinus congestion & headache, productive cough, no strength, ringing in my ears, intermittent chills but seldom even a low temperature, can't talk because I cough uncontrollably....... doctor says to stay home, DONT come to his office, drink water and hot tea, REST, call if I get new symptoms. He also said that he has seen people have this for 2 months. 2 MONTHS? Really, I don't have 2 months to waste being sick! Can you tell I am mad? Isn't that sad? I just have a cold.....I will get better....and I am feeling sorry for myself. So many people in much worse circumstances.....I am comfortable and warm.....Ellie is not coming back over until I am well.....I am free to rest and do all things the doctor suggests.......I don't have any place I have to be......I don't have any trips planned.....I have a husband who is doting on my every need.....the more I type, the better I feel.....I am so fortunate.....so blessed....and now I am feeling grateful, very grateful. I am tempted to erase all I wrote earlier, but I want to look back and see that I was able to work through this to a better place!! Thanks for listening.....if you really made it to the very end of this long rant. But I still want suggestions for a quicker recovery.  :-))

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